Friday, December 03, 2004

Elizabethans Concert

Friday, December 3 in Thompson Chapel at 8:00pm.

A smashing success, featuring (among other things) a capella bagpipes as a surprise ending to "Loch Lomond", Elizabethans performing as their own guest group "Blue Mist" in a rendition of "Body and Soul", and the exciting adventures of our new frosh in Star Wars: Episode Pi, a galactic battle of Tenor versus Bass:
"Fear leads to bad breath support. Bad breath support leads to bad intonation. Bad intonation leads to lower notes. Lower notes lead to the Bass!"
and featuring such characters as Hamarnath Solo, Jodahannes, and of course Luke Rosenswalker.
"The son of Rosenswalker must never develop his falsetto range."
The Elizabethans are currently at work on a new CD to succeed their previous chart-topping album Madrigal Inferno. To my knowledge, we haven't agreed upon a title yet, but I am advocating "Madrigal Purgatorio" in hopes of an eventual three-disc collector's edition a la Dante's Divine Comedy.


At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have fun! -Gracie Shinn


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