Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Seriousness is not a virtue

Sage advice from ertandberni at Tremendous Trifles, to whose many insightful posts I don't link nearly often enough. I suspect the Tolkien anecdote is apocryphal, but the point stands. I do have to quibble with one trivial detail, however: blue hair. You gotta have blue hair.
Seriousness is not a virtue. It would be a heresy, but a much more sensible heresy, to say that seriousness is a vice. It is really a natural trend or lapse into taking one's self gravely, because it is the easiest thing to do. It is much easier to write a good TIMES leading article than a good joke in PUNCH. For solemnity flows out of men naturally; but laughter is a leap.

Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Though, just to confuse the issue, Robert Frost is credited with the claim "I am never so serious as when I am joking." An intriguing thought. I think I need to reread The Napoleon of Notting Hill.


At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, I am ashamed of you. I think it's possible that you've read the Napoleon of Notting Hill fewer than 37 times. Very disturbing behavior in today's youth.


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