The Legend of the Blue Potato
Of all the vegetables known to mankind, few if any capture the imagination as does the elusive blue potato. Once considered mythical, it has figured in the tales and folklore of many cultures. Indeed, the mystery surrounding this vegetable seems far out of proportion with its humble identity. Yet this cannot account for the widespread occurrences of the blue potato in varied and unlikely times and places. It is not known whether there is an actual “Blue Potato” that in effect embodies the essence of this vegetable, or if the prevalent occurrence of the name is merely a persistent but coincidental phenomenon. The vegetable figures particularly in the lore of the Gorfuans, especially in the southern province of Bleauburghy, which was believed to be the location of the primeval potato patch in Gorfuan mythology. The tales of the Freddegar, the little-known dwellers of the Tolmaar steppes, often mentioned a “Blue Potato” that would arrive to aid the people in their time of need, and the name of the Blue Potato was often invoked in that people’s struggle against the tyrannical Fidlumbrian Empire. At the battle of Garyfells the Freddegars fought under the banner of a blue potato on a silver field, which was supposedly stained with the blood of their commander when he was killed by the third and final Fidlumbrian charge. The flag was preserved and now is in the possession of the Imperial Museum in Tyronryff.
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